Friday, October 26, 2007

To "Halloween" or Not to "Halloween"? Part 2

First, I want to thank everyone who left a thought or comment on my previous post. You all shared some great ideas and feelings on this matter.

This is the conclusion we came to:

Our youngest son is going to dress up as a fireman, and attend his class party. The situation with our oldest is a bit easier. His class is joining the 7th and 8th graders for a pizza and bowling party. This will not involve costumes, but will just be a fun time.

We're going to follow our tradition of the past by going out together that evening. (We usually go to a fast food restaurant with a play land...though our oldest is getting a bit big for that!) We'll come home and have family prayers, then play some games. The practice in the past was that whoever won the game got some candy. (I took in a pile of caramels one year! :o) ) We usually play Uno or something similar.

After seeing the crowds of children downtown last night, all trying to get their share of the candy offered by the merchants...I was once again thankful that we don't participate in the hullabaloo!

I have to add, too, that our youngest was quite perturbed recently, when he found out that their weekly time of praying the rosary is going to be replaced by their party next week. He didn't think that was right. I have to say, I'm glad he feels that way!



Hidden One said...

Yeah, me too. Hmmmm... sounds like another opportunity to pray an extra Rosary at home with him?

Keeping It Real said...

We've run into our own little dilemma, of sorts. Our church is having a Harvest Festival as an alternative to Halloween. I want the kids to go, but I also enjoy letting them go trick-or-treating, plus our neighbors have invited us over for a party.

Then, of course, it's a school night.

Our plan? We'll go to church from 6 to 7; trick-or-treat from 7 to 8; party for about half an hour then hit the hay. I'm crossing my fingers.

Mrs. Darling said...

Thats sweet about your child wanting to go ahead with the family time.

Looks like you hit on a workable solution.